Knight Essay Contest
The purpose of the George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest is to give Sophomore, Junior, and Senior high school students an opportunity to explore the events that shaped American history by creating an original essay that conforms to current Knight Essay Contest Rules. The contest progresses through three levels. At the Cherokee Chapter level, the winner will receive a $50 check and a Certificate. This chapter will forward the winning essay to the Georgia Society for consideration. The winner at the Georgia Society state level will receive a $500 check. The National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution will receive the winning Georgia essay for consideration along with winners from other states. At the National level, First Place will receive $2,000, Second Place will receive $1,000 and Third Place will receive $500.
The deadline for submitting an essay to the Cherokee Chapter is January 10 of each year. For additional information on rules and submittal procedures, please email our Knight Essay Chairman.