Elementary School Poster Contest
2018 First Place:Tyler MacIntyre – Liberty Elementary
The SAR Elementary School Poster Contest will stimulate interest in the history surrounding the events of the American Revolution. Specifically, this contest supports 3rd, 4th or 5th grade American History curriculum. The Rules for presenting an entry and criteria for the winning entry are as follows:
Rules and Guidelines
- The poster must be on standard poster board (22″x28″).
- The student may use any drawing material (paint, crayon, watercolor, charcoal, etc.)
- Unpublished material (not commercially printed, such as a caption or title printed from a word processor) may be pasted on the board.
- The SAR does not accept three-dimensional posters for consideration.
- The subject must conform to the announced theme.
- The poster must show evidence of research.
- The student may include a brief explanation on the poster concerning any symbols used.
- The SAR does not accept group posters. Each poster must be the work of an individual student.
- All entries must have the following data taped to the BACK of poster: Name, Address, Home Phone Number, Age, Grade, Name of Teacher, Name of School, School Address, Name of Sponsoring SAR Chapter and State Society. Click on ENTRY FORM, complete, print and attach to back of poster.
- Each student may enter only one poster to the Cherokee Chapter.
- Entries to the Cherokee Chapter must be received by the due date to allow time for the Cherokee Chapter to choose a chapter winner for submission to the Georgia State Wide Contest.
- The winning Cherokee Chapter entry will automatically be entered in the State Society competition.
Judging Criteria
- Does the poster express the annual theme?
- Does the poster show originality by the student?
- Does the poster show evidence of research?
- Does the poster show creativity and artistic merit?
- Is the poster neat?
- Are all elements (flags, dress, and weapons) portrayed on the poster historically accurate for the period?
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- 2013 Cherokee Chapter 1st Place Winner & Georgia State 3rd Place Winner
- 2011 Cherokee Chapter 1st Place Winner
- 2011 Cherokee Chapter 2nd Place Winner
- 2010 Georgia Society 1st Place Winner
First Place Prize for the Cherokee Chapter is $50.00. View the Georgia Society Website for details about the Georgia State award. View the National Society Website for details about the national award. For additional information for entering a poster with the Cherokee Chapter, please email our Poster Contest Chairman.