What We Do
The Cherokee Chapter is involved in many different community activities and strives to keep history alive by providing all of the following services…
Historic Community Activities
Participate in Revolutionary War Battle Observances
One of the primary objectives of the SAR is to bring attention to the many Revolutionary War battles and the significance each one played in the struggle...
Provide Color Guard for Patriotic Events
Not only does the Cherokee Chapter Color Guard participate in parades or post colors at public functions, we contribute to a wide variety of historic,...
Educational and Patriotic School Programs
In today’s complex and sophisticated world that places significant demands on our schools it is easy to lose site of how the United States came to be a...
Revolutionary War Patriot Grave Location, Documentation and Marking
The Cherokee Chapter wants to locate the gravesite and honor every Revolutionary War Patriot buried in Cherokee County. If you know of a patriot gravesite,...
Community Recognition
Recognize Patriotic Displays of the American Flag
The First Amendment to the Constitution protects the freedom of speech not only for those who may wish to express censure but also for those who wish...
First Responder and Heroic Citizen Recognition
The character of our community is reflected in and dependent on our law enforcement officers, firefighters, and every citizen. The Cherokee Chapter wants...
Youth Education and Outreach
Eagle Scout Scholarship
Arthur M. & Berdena King
Eagle Scout Scholarship
The SAR Eagle Scout Scholarship program is open to all Eagle Scouts that will not reach their...
The United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force approve the SAR ROTC Medal for recognition of leadership, military bearing and excellence. ...
Knight Essay Contest
The purpose of the George S. and Stella M. Knight Essay Contest is to give Sophomore, Junior, and Senior high school students an opportunity to explore...
Elementary School Poster Contest
Elementary School Poster Contest
2018 First Place:Tyler MacIntyre - Liberty Elementary
The SAR Elementary School Poster Contest will stimulate...
Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration Contest
History of The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration Contest
In 1945 an Ohio SAR member, Douglass G. High, originated this creative exercise in a Cincinnati Senior...