September 2016 Meeting
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- Sandy Lyons informing the members about the Veterans Hall of Fame Banquet
- Sandy Lyons and Dennis Jane with Sandy’s awards
- Dennis Jane (L) and Bob Rugg (R) presenting Suel Bowen with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Suel Bowen presenting Black Powder Muskets and Rifles
- Bob Rugg introducing Suel Bowen
- Stan Lewis (L) accepting the Robert B Vance Award from Dennis Jane for National 1st Place for websites
- Stan Hathcock (C) receiving his certificate as a new member.
- Sandy Hansen (C) receiving his certificate as a new member
- Suel Bowen (C) receiving his certificate as a new member
- Marc Bennett receiving his certificate as a new member.
- Richard, Marc and Mary Bennett swearing in as members. Richard and Mary are representing John and Richard II
- Mary Bennett giving some Patriot background
- Members and Guests
- Dennis Jane opening meeting