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October Meeting
Will, Carol & Michael Cannon
Bob Rugg explaining colonial cooking
Bob Rugg explaining colonial cooking
VP Dennis Jane announcing program
Cherokee Chapter Founder, Roger Lamb
Bob Rugg presenting 20th year of service certificate to Roger Lamb
Bob Rugg presenting special awards
Canton Police Chief Robert Merchant addresses the Chapter
State Representative Mandi Ballenger reads the “Priviledged
Resolution” honoring the Canton Police Department
State Representative Mandi Ballenger reads the “Priviledged
Resolution” honoring the Canton Police Department
State Representative Mandi Ballenger reads the “Priviledged
Resolution” honoring the Canton Police Department
Canton Police Officers, (back row L-R) Chief Robert Merchant, Assistant Chief Mark Mitchell, Lt. Michael Hales (front row L-R) Officer Jose Souto, Officer Christine Hedmann
President Rugg honors Canton Police Officers, (back row L-R) Chief Robert Merchant, Assistant Chief Mark Mitchell, Lt. Michael Hales (front row L-R) Officer Jose Souto, Officer Christine Hedmann
President Bob Rugg presents certificates to Canton Police Officers
Bob Rugg introducing Canton Police Officers
President Rugg honors Canton Police Officers, Christine Hedmann & Jose Souto
President Bob Rugg opens meeting
Meeting attendees